Would You Implant the Neuralink Chip Into Your Brain and Become Godlike?
Millions of people were implanted with a Neuralink brain chip and became Superior Sapiens - a hivemind entity. Is this the pinnacle of human evolution? (Interdimensional Talks -Episode 17)
Ladies and gentlemen, alien or domestic, Welcome to Interdimensional Talks with your host Mike!
The only fictional radio show in the world broadcasting across the universe and the multiverse. Listen in as we talk to the most diverse bunch of guests you can possibly imagine. We’re talking aliens, ethereal beings, artificial intelligence, and even humans from parallel universes.
Suspend your disbelief, open your mind, and join us on a journey of fascinating exploration of ideas. Grab a drink and enjoy the show.
Neuralink created a new species of humans - the true ubermensch
Mike: “Hello, and welcome back to another exciting episode of Interdimensional Talks. I’m your host, Mike. Today, we’ll discover the insane potential of the Neuralink brain implants. As you probably already know, this new technology has been brought to you by the mad genius billionaire extraordinaire, the spaceman himself, Elon Musk.
Many are skeptical of implanting chips into their brains, and rightly so. Seeing how all technology is malleable and vulnerable to hacks, this sounds like a terrible idea. However, there is fascinating potential for such revolutionary technology. It could heal a whole host of neurological diseases, help people regain bodily functions, and even raise the paralyzed from their beds or chairs.
While these are all within the realm of reasonably expected possibilities, this is not what our show is about. Fear not, dear listeners. We are again reaching beyond the vail of our current reality. Today, we’ll be talking with an ambassador of a new subspecies of humans who call themselves “the Superiors” from Earth 59382.
Who are these Superiors? I should allow the ambassador to explain it himself. Welcome to the show, ambassador. Would you please introduce yourself to our audience?”
Ambassador Hoffmann: “We are most honored to be here, Michael.”
Mike: “Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t realize you had brought company. I apologize.”
Ambassador Hoffmann: “You misunderstand me. I am one, but we are many. Perhaps it would be best if I used a singular form for this interview. To avoid confusion.”
Mike: “Use whatever pronouns you like, Ambassador. I don’t mind, and our listeners will just have to deal with it.”
Ambassador Hoffmann: “No, no, Michael. You do not understand. When I say “we” I’m not referring to myself in some misguided plural form of gender confusion.”
Mike: “It’s okay if you are. I don’t mind, nor do I judge. Tell me how to call you, and I will. You’re an esteemed guest and…”
Ambassador Hoffmann: “You are not listening to me. Perhaps we must begin with an explanation. Will that be okay?”
Mike: “Absolutely. Please go on.”
Ambassador Hoffmann: “We, the Superiors, are not like the rest of humanity. Our perception of ourselves differs significantly. We are no longer just a single entity living in the wilderness, like savages. All who use the Neuralink implant are connected on a level unfathomable to anyone who has not experienced a similar connection.”
Mike: “Could you describe what it feels like?”
Ambassador Hoffmann: “I believe the best word is “oneness,” but it is more than just an acknowledgment and recognition that we are one being, separated by distance and engraved in multiple bodies. After you’ve used the Neuralink chip for a while, you merge into a sort of “one-mind.” We may be separate humans with separate bodies, but we are, in essence, one mind, one family, and one being. Do you understand?”
Mike: “Not really. But I am fascinated. Please explain further.”
Ambassador Hoffmann: “Imagine, if you will, that you could feel, instantly talk to, and use the combined brainpower of millions of people. There is no delay or miscommunication. We all interact with each other instantly and all the time, but without even knowing it. We’ve outgrown the need for communication as we’ve become one. We think as one. We feel as one. Our ideas, thoughts, questions, knowledge, and emotions cancel each other out in a melody of harmony. We don’t feel extreme emotions anymore, as there are always millions of stable minds to offer comfort and peace. We don’t think as individuals but as the whole.”
Mike: “What you describe sounds like a hive mind. I mean no disrespect.”
Ambassador Hoffmann: “Yes, that is what it is. Why would that imply a lack of respect?”
Mike: “Hm, I don’t know. It just felt like the right thing to say. Perhaps because it implies a loss of individuality, maybe?”
Ambassador Hoffmann: “And what is so great about individuality?”
Mike: “Am, it’s what makes us who we are, I suppose. Unique individuals.”
Ambassador Hoffmann: “Doesn’t that only bring misery, confusion, and conflict?”
Mike: “I mean, it can, but…”
Ambassador Hoffmann: “It’s the only existence you’ve ever known, so you believe it’s the best?”
Mike: “Maybe. I don’t know. I do value my individuality and have no interest in merging with millions of people into one being.”
Ambassador Hoffmann: “Why not?”
Mike: “Why would I? It’s unnatural, and it makes no sense.”
Ambassador Hoffmann: “Is that so? Interesting. Allow me to offer a different perspective from someone who has lived as a lonely individual and now enjoys the privilege of being a part of something far greater than the sum of its parts.”
Mike: “That’s why you’re here, ambassador. Please do.”
Ambassador Hoffmann: “It’s been almost two decades since I accepted the Neuralink implant and have been welcomed into the Neuralink family, but I still remember how confusing, lonely, and turbulent it felt to be an individual. I was always craving the company and love of my fellow humans, but I sparingly received them. It felt wonderful to merge with another person by making love and forming meaningful relationships. However, those moments were sweet but brief.”
Mike: “Don’t you miss it?”
Ambassador Hoffmann: “Dear Michael. You have no idea what you’re talking about.”
Mike: “Do you still have friends and… you know, make love?”
Ambassador Hoffmann: “Such an innocent and simple mind. Please remember when you felt freshly in love and spent all your time with your new lover. Try to remember how it felt. Can you do that for me, Michel?”
Mike: “Sure. I remember how it felt.”
Ambassador Hoffmann: “Describe it to me, please.”
Mike: “Okay. I felt a sort of relief and closeness.”
Ambassador Hoffmann: “Go on.”
Mike: “I felt finally accepted and loved for who I am.”
Ambassador Hoffmann: “Yes…”
Mike: “Am, I was always happy, and suddenly saw no problems. Being in love is awesome, though it can make you do stupid things while you’re riding the high.”
Ambassador Hoffmann: “Now tell me, have you ever felt death breathing down your neck? A near-death experience, perhaps. An accident or a severe disease, maybe?”
Mike: “Where is this going?”
Ambassador Hoffmann: “Humor me.”
Mike: “Actually, I have. I was in a car accident a few decades ago. I’ve never been so scared in my life. What does any of this have to do with your connection?”
Ambassador Hoffmann: “Everything. Did you perhaps feel relieved after you survived that accident?”
Mike: “Yes, of course.”
Ambassador Hoffmann: “No, I mean relieved from the burdens of life?”
Mike: “Come to think of it - it’s been a long time - I do remember just sort of dwelling in the present moment, cleansed of every emotion, fear, and ambition. I was perfectly happy just being alive, and nothing else mattered.”
Ambassador Hoffmann: “Did you feel anything else at that moment and in the subsequent few days, perhaps?”
Mike: “Such as?”
Ambassador Hoffmann: “A sense of oneness with all of existence, for example? That everything was perfect in that moment?”
Mike: “Yes, actually. But it didn’t last.”
Ambassador Hoffmann: “Can you describe it to me?”
Mike: “Not really, to be honest. I don’t think you can do justice to how I felt at the time using words.”
Ambassador Hoffmann: “Excellent. You’ve been given a brief and sweet taste of what oneness feels like.”
Mike: “I have?”
Ambassador Hoffmann: “Many people feel it when facing death. An indescribable peace and love. They collapse time to a singular point in the present moment and dwell there perfectly content, complete, calm, and without need for anything external. They feel connected with other humans and animals, plants, and the universe. For that brief moment, they feel their true oneness with the all.”
Mike: “You are right. Come to think of it, I did feel that way for a short while. It didn’t last, though.”
Ambassador Hoffmann: “This is how we feel all the time. Do you see now how silly your earlier questions about the tragedy of losing individuality are?”
Mike: “I do. From an emotional standpoint, anyway. How does this Neuralink connection work in practical terms, though?”
Ambassador Hoffmann: “How do we think and operate on a daily basis?”
Mike: “Yes.”
Ambassador Hoffmann: “Do you remember computers before the internet?”
Mike: “I do.”
Ambassador Hoffmann: “You know how they could only offer you answers and do the tasks previously programmed or loaded onto them specifically? The computer was useless if the hard drive didn’t have the program or the data.”
Mike: “Sure.”
Ambassador Hoffmann: “Now imagine the quantum leap of jumping instantly from that lone off-line computer to a supercomputer connected to the fastest internet imaginable, an immensely powerful artificial intelligence, and the ability to process everything you can think of in real-time. All the data on every computer connected to this network of millions of computers is now available to you in the blink of an eye. Before you think of a question, the answer appears. You don’t even have to do queries for information. You just know everything that anyone knows, including artificial intelligence, with all the knowledge and data in the world.”
Mike: “So, connecting to a Neuralink feels like jumping instantly from being one disconnected computer in a basement to a supercomputer connected to all the knowledge in the known universe?”
Ambassador Hoffmann: “And then some.”
Mike: “Wow! I’m at a loss for words.”
Ambassador Hoffmann: “Funny enough, those aren’t needed anymore when you become part of the Neurallink family. We all just know. There’s no need to verbalize thoughts.”
Mike: “Fascinating and somewhat creepy at the same time.”
Ambassador Hoffmann: “Yes, the human mind is filthy, and one needs to learn to filter that out. The sooner, the better.”
Mike: “My mind is racing with questions right now. What was the timeline for getting to this point with technology?”
Ambassador Hoffmann: “The original Neuralink was invented and unveiled to the world exactly thirty-three years ago past Monday.”
Mike: “It only took thirty years? Oh my god! How is that even possible?”
Ambassador Hoffmann: “It was a slow progress until we began uniting minds into one, adding artificial intelligence and networking capabilities. Then the exponential curve of technological development skyrocketed.”
Mike: “How many people are currently connected to your Neuralink family?”
Ambassador Hoffmann: “One hundred and seventeen million two hundred and ninety-three. No, ninety-four this moment.”
Mike: “What? Are you serious? One hundred million people have chosen to implant themselves with the Neuralink brain implant?”
Ambassador Hoffmann: “Yes. The initial public reception was far from favorable. Still, after seeing what Neuralink can do for humanity and individuals, it’s become desirable and almost mandatory if you want to compete with the best of humanity.”
Mike: “I’m sorry to interrupt. Can you briefly mention a few problems that Neuralink solved?”
Ambassador Hoffmann: “The initial breakthroughs were in medicine, as that was the project's initial goal. In the first decade, we managed to enable the blind to see, the deaf to hear, the paralyzed to walk again, cure Alzheimer's, and a host of other neurological problems. We even enabled loved ones to communicate with people in a coma. Then, the military got involved, and we developed seamless integrations for drone pilots, immaculate hands-free targeting systems, and undetectable communication. The developments then accelerated to communication with animals, giving us a new, unique way of studying and controlling them.”
Mike: “Oh, wow. Color me impressed! I would bet that would convince anyone of the benefits of Neuralink.”
Ambassador Hoffmann: “You’d be wrong. Some people recognized the immense capabilities and took full advantage, while others remain skeptical to this day. As I was saying earlier, the spread of capabilities between normal Homo Sapiens and Superior Sapiens is … well, I don’t want to be rude. Remember our earlier computer analogy, and you’ll get a small glimpse of the larger picture.”
Mike: “What have you been able to achieve with this newfound capability or complete integration within the Neuralink network?”
Ambassador Hoffmann: “There were a lot of fears we needed to calm, so progress was slower than it could have been. Still, we are now at the head of all technological, economic, philosophical, educational, medical, and political structures. Humanity is entering a new era. The era of peace, oneness, thriving, and prosperity, unlike anything we’ve ever seen in the whole of history.”
Mike: “It makes sense, from a rational standpoint, yet it still feels risky somehow.”
Ambassador Hoffmann: “That is quite understandable. We perceive anything new and unfamiliar as dangerous.”
Mike: “Aren’t you worried about being hacked or infected with malware?”
Ambassador Hoffmann: “‘(bursts into laughter) Of course we are. Aren’t you worried about the safety of your computers and servers? Or your bodies, for that matter?”
Mike: “We are, and they keep getting hacked or infected, anyway.”
Ambassador Hoffmann: “We spend considerable resources on ensuring security. Neuralink chips aren’t hackable from afar. They require physical access. In the whole of our interconnectedness and the vast computer and brain network, there are always vulnerabilities. No more than the internet or your secure computer, though. We have to remain vigilant and have set up countless guardrails.”
Mike: “What is the biggest threat to the Superiors, in your opinion?”
Ambassador Hoffmann: “The biggest threats come from within the network. With so many people onboarding, we risk allowing corrupted minds to infect our unity. We try our best to root them out as soon as possible, but sometimes, the threats are so subtle that we don’t detect them. Those problematic individual minds or ideas spread like cancer, and they must be cut out before they can infect the majority.”
Mike: “Are you talking about psychopaths joining the Neuralink network?”
Ambassador Hoffmann: “Among other threats, yes. Psychological deficiencies tend to remedy themselves soon after joining, as we all become one mind and smooth individual issues out. The problem lies in the malicious intent of certain groups from the outside, trying to hijack the network and infect it with harmful ideas.”
Mike: “So, like bad thoughts trying to corrupt your mind?”
Ambassador Hoffmann: “Yes, Michale. Bad thoughts (chuckles) are the greatest threat to us all.”
Mike: “Is Neuralink reserved for the rich?”
Ambassador Hoffmann: “No, of course not. Today, it costs about as much as a personal computer.”
Mike: “You’ve told me about all the good sides of this technology and the oneness of becoming one of the Superiors. Now tell me about the bad. Surely, there have been problems or malfunctions, right?”
Ambassador Hoffmann: “Indeed. Nothing is ever only good.”
Mike: “What are the worst consequences of millions of people using Neuralink?”
Ambassador Hoffmann: “(uncomfortable pause) As much as we are becoming a more coherent humanity globally by connecting as one, a subset of humans is being left behind. The normal Homo Sapiens, the unconnected ones, are becoming a lesser species of humans. It is an unfortunate fact, but a fact nonetheless. Something similar happened to the Neanderthals when Homo Sapiens took over. There is no malintent here - just evolution, even somewhat artificial. We are drifting apart on our path forward, and this is a dangerous thing.”
Mike: “So, you’re experiencing a rise in a new kind of racism aimed toward non-superiors?”
Ambassador Hoffmann: “Sadly, this is not far from the truth. The racism goes both ways.”
Mike: “Haven’t we learned from our past mistakes? Can’t we, for once, not segregate ourselves by some common characteristic?”
Ambassador Hoffmann: “Philosophically, emotionally, and emphatically, I agree with you.”
Mike: “But you’re still okay with treating non-connected humans as lesser beings?”
Ambassador Hoffmann: “Unfortunately, it’s not that simple, Michael.”
Mike: “The hell it isn’t. How hard is it to treat everyone the same, ambassador?”
Ambassador Hoffmann: “Infinitely hard, I’m afraid. It requires delusion and often ends in self-harm.”
Mike: “Please help me understand, as I don’t want to judge you too soon.”
Ambassador Hoffmann: “How very polite of you, yet completely ignorant and naive.”
Mike: “How so?”
Ambassador Hoffmann: “It’s easy judging others as a remote bystander, but when you have to make a choice, it becomes less about ethics and warm feelings and more about practical consequences. You see, we’re not judging humans as less capable, smart, intelligent, emotionally stable, and easy to work with - they are all those things. The difference in mental capabilities between a non-connected human and a Neuralink superior is monumental. We might as well not be the same species anymore. It’s a far larger gap than comparing monkeys to humans because humans still need to interact with the world, communicate verbally or in writing, and are isolated individuals with limited knowledge and capabilities.”
Mike: “I’m sorry, but that sounds harsh, arrogant, and unfair to humanity.”
Ambassador Hoffmann: “It does, indeed, and I feel sorry for them. Yet it is true. Once you become part of our network, you think and communicate light-years faster than normal humans. Teams of superiors will always vastly outperform normal humans in any task. They are all aware of what anyone thinks and knows at all times. They have all the information available to humanity at their instant disposal. Their brains don’t work in isolation but as a supercomputer composed of millions of brains and computer systems combined. They don’t waste time talking, discussing problems, and arguing. They become one unit, one being, thinking, feeling, and acting as one. To say that a group of ten superiors is a million times more efficient and capable than ten normal humans is insulting to the superiors. So let me ask you this - would you want to hire superiors or normal humans at the same cost?”
Mike: “(silence) I’m sorry. I understand your point, but it’s unfair to normal humans. What are they supposed to do now?”
Ambassador Hoffmann: “Is it fair to you to be somehow morally or legally forced to hire these lesser employees and pay them the same pay, even though they will, without a shred of doubt, perform a million times worse?”
Mike: “I don’t have an answer to that.”
Ambassador Hoffmann: “Is it fair to the whole of humanity to keep normal humans as heads of companies and especially as heads of state when you could replace them with far superior beings, infinitely more intelligent, capable, wise, and who could prevent wars and make billions of times better and faster decisions than ordinary humans? Would you not say that you should always choose the best person for the job, regardless of how unfair that might be to lesser candidates? Would you hire a jungle boy who can barely speak to design space rockets? Would you employ monkeys to lead your government and make life-and-death decisions for your children?
Mike: “I see your point. Insulting as it is.”
Ambassador Hoffmann: “Please answer the questions, Micheal. If you were the one making these decisions, and you had to put your money, livelihood, and the lives of your family at risk - who would you choose? Be honest.”
Mike: “(silence) I would choose the best person for the job.”
Ambassador Hoffmann: “Everyone who is honest and, more importantly, dependant on the results would do the same. Thus, we have a problem with the natural segregation of our population. No one is enforcing it. It just happens as a direct result of our differences.”
Mike: “How are you dealing with this problem?”
Ambassador Hoffmann: “We are reserving the jobs that don’t require superior capabilities for the normal humans and those that thrive on individuality and uniqueness. We’re ensuring they can live their simple lives, acting in support roles and artistic endeavors, while we take humanity forward. One hundred million is still a relatively small number of evolved humans. It becomes a problem when we start talking in billions. With this pace, though, this will become an insurmountable problem within the next two decades.”
Mike: “As I am sure you know, this approach hasn’t worked so well for the less fortunate races throughout history. A few come to mind.”
Ambassador Hoffmann: “There are three paths I see going forward. I prefer that most of humanity evolves and joins the network. This version of the future ensures maximum technological and societal development, resulting in an actual utopia spreading across the galaxy in endless expansion.
The second path leads to superiors taking care of normal humans as we do for those incapable of caring for themselves today. I do not like this version as it implies segregation of humanity and a whole host of challenges for normal humans being left behind and those who are now burdened with taking care of them.
The third is my least favorite option, but I can’t pretend it may not come to pass—one of war, resentment, and survival of the fittest, most intelligent, and most capable. Nature is cruel, and in its cruelness, it is fair. Humans complicate things by adding morals and ethics to the calculation.”
Mike: “I would have thought that with all that combined knowledge and brain power, you would have found a solution that benefited both groups by now.”
Ambassador Hoffmann: “The solutions are simple and obvious in theory. The humans rejecting them are the problem. For the moment, there is no need to force the issue. There is still time to see how this plays out, and I believe the first scenario has a 73% probability of playing out. So, we are focusing on that path.”
Mike: “Onboarding all of humanity?”
Ambassador Hoffmann: “Essentially, yes. The more people join us, the wiser, faster, and stronger we are as a whoče. It will never reach 100%, but if we can cross the 90% barrier, things become effortless for both parties. With a number like 50%, we have a problem that can only be solved unfavorably, ensuring the best path forward for humanity by any means necessary.”
Mike: “I don’t like where this is going, ambassador.”
Ambassador Hoffmann: “Neither do I. Let’s hope those decisions never have to be made and that we will find a way forward to ensure the thriving of both species.”
Mike: “Wow, now you’re a different species. May I offer a suggestion, naive and silly though it may be?”
Ambassador Hoffmann: “Fire away.”
Mike: “Why don’t the superiors build a space fairing society for themselves and leave the Earth for the normal, natural, non-enhanced humans?”
Ambassador Hoffmann: “Naive, indeed, Michael. While space travel and colonization will inevitably become possible in the future, you are now being unfair toward the superiors. You are being racist toward the more capable, smarter, and less violent race of humans and wish to banish them from the face of the planet while packaging it as a wonderful adventure into space. Can you not see that?”
Mike: “No. I think it’s fair to everyone. You get to enjoy unrestricted evolution somewhere else while humans get to keep their home. How is this racist?”
Ambassador Hoffmann: “It is racist by definition, as you are discerning two groups of people according to some common characteristic and choosing that only one has the right to live and prosper on this planet, Michael.”
Mike: “But… Maybe you’re right. I don’t know. It was just an idea.”
Ambassador Hoffmann: “You were also making an erroneous assumption that the superior group would want to leave their home planet and live in the harshness of space. Your whole argument is that superior beings should leave their homes out of compassion for those who chose not to evolve out of some misguided sense of guilt and morals. Do you not see this?”
Mike: “Well, I do now. Jesus!”
Ambassador Hoffmann: “By this logic, humans should commit a group seppuku just because we developed higher than animals and are now encroaching on their living space. Which we are, in fact, taking away from them, and it has always been inevitable as we grew in numbers and technology. Ethics and morals demand it! Right?”
Mike: “I see your point. I take it all back.”
Ambassador Hoffmann: “The truth and the only logical conclusion of this predicament is that we will either find a way to evolve together, live in some utopian harmony which has never happened before, or that one group will win over the other. As I said, logic dictates that we try to evolve humanity slowly and progressively, thus ensuring the best possible outcome for everyone. Emotions and individuality sadly stand in the way of progress.”
Mike: “But aren’t those what makes us human? Who are we without our individuality and feelings?”
Ambassador Hoffmann: “More. We are more in every possible way, Michael. We become more than the sum of our parts. When we reach unity, we begin to live as one, which is infinitely better than living separately. We are instantly happy, smart, connected, purposeful, guided, and complete. No more running around looking for happiness and purpose outside us, in an endless circle of chasing the next best thing and selfish goals. As a part of the one, we are taken care of, and we take care of others because we are, in effect, taking care of ourselves. Humanity has evolved beyond individuality while remaining separate only in names and functions and has become whole. The cells in your body die if left alone but thrive as part of the whole. Superior humans have now experienced this unity and wholeness, and we know that it is, as the name suggests, far superior to an individual existence.”
Mike: “Compelling arguments, but I still wouldn’t want to join you. I value my individuality and personality too much. I want to think my own thoughts and feel my own feelings. I want to remain me and not us. I would imagine most of humanity would.”
Ambassador Hoffmann: “Some people refuse to use computers, smartphones, dress in public, go to school, or join a community. What happens to them? They get left behind. While it may be sad, it is fair to those who make the effort and also quite natural. Since most of those choices are deliberate, they should suffer the consequences of their choices.
It is not up to others who make the effort and sacrifice to help those who are reluctant. It is only our goodwill and always has been. With wisdom comes compassion.
The answer is simple, but it is a choice. And yes, there is a perceived sacrifice of individuality to becoming whole and embracing oneness with all of humanity. In reality, it’s not really a sacrifice as none of us miss being individuals, and no one has ever willingly disconnected from the network. People have tried, but the terror of loneliness and separation they feel after a few days is unbearable. Death is preferable. Once you live as an intricate part of a whole, there is no going back. Just like a cell excluded from your body, you wither and die.
You may think your life is the pinnacle of existence, with your individual ego and a sense of self, but you are wrong. It is a life of confusion, struggle, suffering, pain, loneliness, and eternal emptiness that can never be filled. Humans spend their lives looking for meaning and connection when it has always been available to them by embracing that we are all one. The whole universe is one. All living beings are one.
Achieving this sense of divine oneness has been unattainable to mere mortals except through intense lifelong meditations, near-death experiences, and altered mental states. Even then, we experience brief moments of bliss and unity that get deluded as we move on with our lives.
Being a part of the Neuralink family is superior to all those states. Not only do you feel eternally connected, supported, loved, accepted, seen, and heard, but you also get instant access to infinite thinking resources and knowledge. By giving up your individuality, you are essentially shedding your human skin and becoming a god.
Tell me again how much you value your individuality and how sure you are that it’s the best way to exist in this universe.
Mike: “I’ll be damned, Ambassador. You’ve made a convert out of me. At the very least, I would be willing to try it on for a limited time to see how it feels. Do you enable this option for people on the fence?”
Ambassador Hoffmann: “Anyone can always take their Neurolink off and return to living unplugged. They just don’t want to. Remember how you felt after surviving that close call with death or how you feel when you are completely in love with someone and ask yourself, why would I ever want to give this up?”
Mike: “I wouldn’t. Not if I had a choice.”
Ambassador Hoffmann: “Exactly. It is not some hell we are proposing, but heaven on Earth. People are just afraid of new things, so they continue to suffer in ignorance and within the confines of their comfort zones.”
Mike: “Before I let you go, can you please tell us how this oneness impacts your love life and family? Do you still love individuals, have sex, make babies, and so on?”
Ambassador Hoffmann: “(laughs) Let me put it this way. You have never loved like we love. There are levels of intimacy and connection that are unattainable to the unconnected. You have never made love as deeply and intensely as we make love. Unfortunately, no words can describe how it feels to love, be loved, and express that love as part of the unity.”
Mike: “Alright, I’m sold! How do I get my hands on a Neuralink?”
Ambassador Hoffmann: “Unfortunately, if you are as lucky as we were, you’re still decades away from being able to experience the fullness of this oneness. If at all. But I’m glad I opened your eyes and mind to new possibilities. I hope our local listeners will also understand us better now.“
Mike: “Wherever your path leads you, ambassador, I hope it will be toward a bright future for all. Don’t forget the lonely, miserable Homo Sapiens on your path toward technological ascension. I wish you all the best, and thank you for your time.”
Ambassador Hoffmann: “It was my pleasure, Michael. I hope you will get to experience and live long enough to see the heaven and possibilities unlocked by Neuralink brain implants.”
Mike: “Well, that was a fascinating discussion, wouldn’t you agree, dear listeners? I started as a bit of a hater of the Neuralink technology, but the more the ambassador did his ambassadoring, the more I became open to the idea. The potential for medical and technological benefits is undeniable, but the whole unity and becoming one hivelike mind still evokes a sense of resistance within me.
What do you think? Do the benefits outweigh the downsides? Would you ever consider implanting a Neuraling chip into your brain? Please let us know.
Until next time - be excellent to each other. Goodnight.”
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What is it like to immortal? To never die? To live for hundreds, even thousands of years?
(Interdimensional Talks — Episode 4)
An Alien Predator On a Journey of Radical Transparency
We talk to Xsidious, The Great Hunter, about his personal journey of philosophy and the way of his people.
(Interdimensional Talks — Episode 3)
What If You Forgot Everything In a Collective Amnesia Every 364 Days?
Can you imagine a life without memories? A new year - a new you! How would it feel to be free from your past? (
Interdimensional Talks - Episode 2)
Self-Aware General Artificial Intelligence
What would you ask a conscious general artificial intelligence? Below is our conversation.
(Interdimensional Talks — Episode 1)
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