Can You Imagine Islam Taking Over the Planet?
We talk to two people who live under Islamic rule and claim the West was lost and is now entirely Muslim. This is their story and what it's like. (Interdimensional Talks -Episode 15)
Ladies and gentlemen, alien or domestic, Welcome to Interdimensional Talks with your host Mike!
The only fictional radio show in the world broadcasting across the universe and the multiverse. Listen in as we talk to the most diverse bunch of guests you can possibly imagine. We’re talking aliens, ethereal beings, artificial intelligence, and even humans from parallel universes.
Suspend your disbelief, open your mind, and join us on a journey of fascinating exploration of ideas. Grab a drink and enjoy the show.
In a parallel universe, Islam took over the planet
“Welcome to Interdimensional talks with Mike. Today, we will be talking to Karen and Greg, who contacted us from their hiding place with a warning about a possible future. They are joining us from a parallel universe where Islam has completely taken over the world. Today’s conversation might be triggering for some of our listeners, so if you feel offended by anything our guests say on this show, please find a large stick and show it up *** BEEP!”
Mike: (to the intern) “Are you seriously beeping me?”
Intern: “I’m sorry, Boss. We have to comply, or we’ll be censured and demonetized…”
Mike: “This isn’t YouTube! If you try that one more time, you and I will have a problem. Am I clear?”
Intern: “Yes, Boss. Sorry.”
Mike: (on air) “I apologize for that, everyone. These young streamers have been brainwashed into censoring their thoughts and just stopped thinking altogether. There will be no beeping on my show! We’re all about open conversations and the truth. However painful it may be. It’s all about perspectives in an infinite universe of possibilities. Speaking of painful truths, welcome Karen and Greg. It’s a pleasure to have you on tonight.”
Karen: “Thank you for having us.”
Mike: “Could you please tell us a bit about who you are and why you contented us?”
Karen: “Yes. Of course. We’re one of the last freedom fighters on our planet, currently hiding from the moral police.”
Mike: “When you say freedom fighters - what do you mean?”
Greg: “We fight for the freedom to be who you are, freedom of expression, sexuality, personal preference, beliefs, religion, and just to exist.”
Karen: “I know it’s something you people take for granted, but all that can be taken away overnight. Trust us. We know.”
Greg: “ One day, everything is great. You live in a free society where individuality and freedom are accepted, even celebrated, and the next, you wake up in a religious nightmare regime.”
Mike: “How is that possible? I know you’re from America, where Islam is a fringe religion. What you’re describing is an Islamic State in the USA. I have a hard time believing in such an alternative.”
Karen: “We thought it impossible as well. We sleepwalked right into it.”
Mike: “How?”
Greg: “It’s hard to pinpoint the exact time things went insane.”
Karen: “No, it’s not. You just don’t want to admit it!”
Greg: “Karen! Don’t. Just don’t.”
Mike: “Well, I would like to know her opinion. Please tell us what you think, Karen.”
Karen: “That’s why we’re here, Greg! Remember? A lot has been achieved in the last decades before the fall of Western civilization.”
Greg: “There you go with that term again.”
Karen: “Well, how would you call it, Greg?”
Greg: “ A change. An evolution. A transmutation. An awakening.”
Karen: “Seriously? Aren’t you hiding in the same bunker I am because you’re gay, Greg? What kind of an evolution is this? Who exactly was awakened?”
Greg: “I’m not talking about Muslims. I was talking about the time before.”
Karen: “The time before is why the Western civilization got decimated! Don’t be naive. Goddammit, Greg. Grow up.”
Greg: “Whatever.”
Mike: “Come on, you two. Play nice. We’re all friends here. Karen, please tell us more about the fall of the West.”
Karen: “At some point, we stopped believing the governments, experts, and media because we found out they kept lying to us.”
Greg: “Which was true.”
Karen: “Which was true, but then we were skeptical of everything. Every news and event that happened, if the government or the media said something, we assumed the opposite was true.”
Greg: “We were usually right.”
Karen: “Yes, but not always. We thought we knew more than anyone. We thought that everyone was like us. That they just wanted to live happily and be free.”
Mike: “Who are we talking about, Karen?”
Karen: “The Muslims. Well, not all of them, of course. But the fundamental and extreme sections completely took over and dragged the world with them. The silent majority was too slow to fight back. By the time they grew their balls and realized what was happening, it was already too late. The shift had happened.”
Greg: “They screwed us up!”
Karen: “We all screwed up, Greg! We should have known better. There were plenty of warning signs, but we just didn’t listen. It all seemed impossible. Like, made up, you know?”
Mike: “In what way?”
Karen: “They were talking about innocent people wanting to murder whole nations and how their religion was more important than their own families. Martyters and this whole vision of an afterlife reward we all thought was so ridiculous that no one would buy it.”
Greg: “Turns out seventy virgins waiting all horny in the afterlife was more tempting than making a good life in this one.”
Karen: “Anyway, we couldn’t believe that there were people who lived only to spread Islam across the world, implement Sharia Law, and kill every non-believer they could find. It was barbaric madness even to consider that such a thing was possible. It was unfathomable. In the 21st century? It had to be fake. It just couldn’t be the truth. We called it Islamophobia and racism. Backward thinking. You know?”
Greg: “So they used that against us.”
Mike: “Used what? How?”
Greg: “Our benevolence and good intentions. We wanted everyone to live a good life, free from obsession, feeling accepted, and given permission to live however they wanted. Like we had. We opened our doors and welcomed them with open arms.”
Mike: “Sure. We have the same principles. Live and let live. Be who you are. Practice any religion you want. I believe it’s called progress.”
Greg: “Exactly. So did we. I still think it was the right thing.”
Karen: “You’re joking, right?”
Greg: “No. Our stance was right. Everyone should be allowed to come and live as they want. This was what separated us from the less evolved cultures.”
Karen: “Until it destroyed us! Don’t ever change, Greg. The world needs misguided but benevolent souls like yours.”
Mike: “I agree. We have made a lot of progress. In no small part on account of giving rights to minorities, the oppressed, and the fringe groups. That’s what makes the West great and why everyone wants to live here.”
Karen: “We thought so too, but it turns out they were wolves hiding in sheep's clothing the whole time. They didn’t want the same things and believed in the same ideals. Only when it came to them!”
Mike: “Who? Muslims?”
Greg: “Not all Muslims. There are plenty of moderate Muslims…”
Karen: “Yes, Muslims. Shut up, Greg! They are just as guilty of doing nothing to stop the extreme elements in their communities. It was their responsibility! They’re not the victims but enablers. End of debate!”
Greg: “I can’t believe you still think that. They’re suffering just as we are now.”
Karen: “And whose fault is that? Yours? Mine? Or the people who spread this religion across the world, thinking they have some sort of holy calling to carry Islam into every home?”
Mike: “Alright, alright. Let’s cool our heads a bit. I hear what you’re saying. Something similar is happening here but at a much smaller scale. I don’t see how anything of such proportions could develop out of a minority of the Muslim population. Was there a war? Fighting? Did the West lose a war to them?”
Greg: “Fucking. A lot of fucking!”
Karen: “Greg!”
Greg: “ What? It’s the truth. They were multiplying like locus while we were overthinking everything, trying to save the planet by not making babies, focusing on tolerance, money, careers, and acceptance.”
Mike: Are you saying that this all happened naturally, through natality? I thought that was a myth.”
Karen: “In large part. We were having one baby per couple, then half, then half that in about two decades. Everyone was discouraged by the prospect of economic or social hard times, not to mention global warming. Families were no longer the norm but the exception. ”
Greg: “Wait, are you blaming the gays, Karen?”
Karen: “Where did I say that? No. Of course not. It didn’t help that twenty-nine percent of the population was either gay, trans, or something else that wasn’t straight and interested in procreating, though!”
Mike: “Thirty percent? This has to be a joke, right?”
Greg: “It’s probably more if we’re looking at the younger generations. Still, it’s not our fault that straight people didn’t have babies, okay? There’s more than enough of you to fill the quota.”
Karen: “You weren’t exactly helping, but you’re right. Can we move on now? Please, Greg?”
Greg: “Whatever.”
Mike: “How many babies did Muslims have then? On average?”
Karen: “Six to eight, and then they accelerated as Islam gained traction to eleven. The men could have more wives, which helped.”
Mike: “Eleven? Jesus!”
Greg: “Allah, not Jesus. The Jesus’s folk all but disappeared.”
Mike: “Reality? In the West?”
Greg: “Really! And then there was immigration. A few million came over every year at first. A few million every month when they got their foot in governments and immigrations was let loose.”
Mike: “A few million every month? How is that sustainable?”
Greg: “It’s not. It took just a couple of years for all systems to come crashing down. The economy, social security, medicine, and pensions were all gone. Everything went to shit!”
Karen: “We were holding on by a thread, as it were, because of the aging population, overspending, and inflation. But when millions of jobless people landed on our shores, the result was chaos.”
Mike: “Didn’t people in the West resist or fight back and take to the streets? Didn’t the government try to stop this from happening? Something?”
Greg: “They did. But by then, it was too late. They were here, and they weren’t going home. Besides, we elected them into our government on every level and gave them all the tools to succeed. It was madness. It was our goddamn fault.”
Karen: “To you, Mike, it sounds like it was all one suddenly. But it wasn’t. It was subtle. Slow. Hidden. One law here. One politician there. A few seats in the parliament, an election lost, a company bought, and so on.”
Mike: “And no one saw it coming?”
Greg: “We even cheered them on. Victory for the minority. Freedom for the oppressed. Equality for all. Diversity and inclusion over everything else.”
Karen: “Yeah. We opened the floodgates, and they didn’t even have to fire a single shot. They won.”
Greg: “They fucked their way to becoming a majority in a few short decades.”
Karen: “Then they simply elected their own political parties, who changed the laws implementing an Islamic state. Sharia Law and moral police followed soon after. Specific to Muslims in the beginning, but then…”
Mike: “I’m sorry, but I really can’t see how the people of the West would have tolerated this. I just don’t see it?”
Intern: “There are over eighty Sharia courts in the United Kingdom alone, boss.”
Mike: “What? There are? Here? How is that even possible?”
Intern: “That number is probably on the low end. They have some sort of parallel system or something. Insane, right?”
Mike: “Insane is a good word. What the hell is going on?”
Karen: “Funy how that works, isn’t it? Maybe your people are more proud, smart, and brave than we were. Maybe you’ll stop it in time. We didn’t. We thought the Muslims, and especially the immigrants, were just like us. Boy, were we wrong. It’s not that we didn’t try to stop it. We made it happen.”
Greg: “We had dug our own graves.”
Mike: “Wow. I can’t even imagine this happening here. But I guess anything is possible. There are some similarities between your story and our situation. We’re just a few decades behind, perhaps.”
Karen: “Maybe you should pull the brakes and realize what you’re doing before it’s too late.”
Greg: “That’s why we’re here talking about it. We wanted to warn everyone of what is coming unless…”
Mike: “Unless what? What can we do to stop it?”
Greg: “Unless you stop it by any means necessary. I don’t want to tell you what to do. I don’t even know, to be honest. It was all so sudden that I don’t think we could have done anything unless we became monsters ourselves.”
Karen: “Maybe we should have…”
Greg: “No. There has to be a better way. We can’t fight barbarism with more barbarism.”
Karen: “You can’t fight it with love either, as we found out.”
Mike: “Sobering thoughts. I think I know what you’re saying. Why don’t you tell us more about what living in this Islamic Western world is like? Perhaps that will be enough of a wake-up call. I don’t know.”
Greg: “I mean, it’s not all bad.”
Karen: “Sure. If you’re a Muslim man and like to live according to your religious beliefs, and you dislike progress, democracy, and freedom, I guess it’s okay. If you’re a woman or have other preferences, well - tought luck.”
Greg: “It’s no different than it was in Iran, for example. People seemed happy there. If you submit to the authority and convert, life goes on, I suppose. Not gays or trans, or any other religion, though.”
Karen: “Yeah. Those are mostly imprisoned or dead now.”
Mike: “Are you serious? Didn’t you mention there being like thirty percent or something of the population?”
Greg: “I’ve lost a lot of friends, Mike. The rest are hiding and pretending to be someone they’re not. The best way to survive is to get married, have kids, and suppress this part of you forever. The alternative is death - a public one.”
Mike: “I’m sorry, Greg. So, do you have a wife and kids?”
Greg: “Thanks. No. Hell, no. I couldn’t even fake it. I’m part of the resistance.”
Karen: “Not much of a resistance, though.”
Greg: “Yeah. We’re mostly in hiding these days. And every day, we hear of our friends being beheaded or stoned to death in the streets and people cheering it like it was a party.”
Mike: “Insanity. I’m so sorry to hear that. What about you, Karen? Why are you in the resistance?”
Karen: “Call me crazy, but I don’t want to pretend to believe in some fairy tale God and be subservient to men. I grew up a free woman, and I will die a free woman! I will be nobody's half-person. I refuse to cover my face! I will not convert. I’d rather die!”
Mike: “I get that.”
Karen: “I don’t think you do, Mike. You’re a man in a man’s world. I don’t blame you. It’s just not possible.”
Mike: “Why do you say that? I can’t be compassionate just because I’m a man?”
Karen: “When was the last time you were deemed incapable of thinking, forbidden from working, driving, studying, or making any sort of decision without someone towering over you, treating you like an imbecile without rights? A toy to fuck and beat up at your pleasure? You’re so worthless, in fact, that you can’t even show your face in public anymore, while men can do to you whatever they want behind closed doors. Did you get married off to disgusting old men when you got your first period? Are you chained to a fucking kitchen and forbidden from having a social life? Do you know what it feels like to be deemed a baby-making machine and nothing more? Can you relate to that?”
Mike: “Alright, you win. You know I can’t relate. Wow. It’s that bad, huh?”
Karen: “Worse! I assure you, women didn’t win anything but pain and sorrow. Still, it’s our own goddamn fault! We insisted on inclusion. We cried for their cause. We tore down any opposing voices and shamed them for suggesting otherwise. We let our emotions overrule rational thinking. We called it toxic masculinity and tore our men down. To hell with it. They were right. We were wrong.”
Mike: “I was under the impression that not all women live like that in Islamic states. Some are rather modern. Isn’t what you’re describing a bit extreme?”
Karen: “There is no one to stop the men from ruling as they want anymore. The fundamentalists have completely taken over. There is no room for a middle way or compromise in this new world. Not anymore. The dissenting voices are silenced. Publicly. The rest hide and cower away. The Muslim leaders believe this is the realization of the prophecy and that they’re on a holy quest. I don’t know. I never understood that brainless bullshit.”
Greg: “We’re so dead if anyone from our world is listening to this. Fuck me! It was knowing you.”
Mike: “So what is the way out of this? Is there a safe place for so-called unbelievers, women, and gays? How do you survive?”
Greg: “There are small pockets scattered around the world. Not officially, but yeah. We’re trying to get to one such place right now, but it’s not exactly easy. Besides, the only regimes that were able to stop this Islamization have problems of their own. The dictatorial kind. They’re brutal autocratic regimes that scare even the Jihadees. So, I’m not sure I want to live there either.”
Karen: “It’s all fucked. I’m just glad I didn’t have any kids. I wouldn’t have wanted them to live in such a world.”
Mike: “You keep mentioning the West. What about the East? Is Islam dominant there as well?”
Greg: “Russia and China, for example, are free of this insanity. But they have other problems. Then there are a few other countries in South America and so on. Japan cleaned their house long ago and completely closed their doors. They be chopping heads like in the old times. Nobody messes with them anymore.”
Karen: “None of these countries is taking in more foreigners. There was massive immigration when things began changing. There was also a lot of terrorism there in the last couple of years, as Jihadees are trying to break their spirit. While they were unsuccessful, there are consequences. No one can get in anymore. If you enter illegally, they’ll just shoot you. Can’t take any chances, or so they say. I can’t blame them, really. Not after what we’ve all been through.”
Mike: “So, the dictators and nationalists ended up being right. What a sad, messed-up world. Who could have seen this coming?”
Greg: “We should have.”
Mike: “How could you have known?”
Greg: “By opening a history book, Koran, and our freaking eyes!”
Mike: “Yeah, there’s that. Is it possible that those outside forces, still resilient to Islam, will fight back and force a change, tipping the scales?”
Greg: “They don’t seem too interested. We’re not a threat to them and have nothing to offer. They leave us well alone, and we let them alone. The alternative is mutual annihilation.”
Mike: “Why aren’t you a threat anymore? Didn’t you say Islam wants to spread further until the whole world is Muslim?”
Karen: “Sure, but they’re not stupid either. They fucked with the West because we were weak. China, Russia, Japan, and Brazil aren’t. They’ve made it clear that if one rocket or tank enters their lands, nukes will fly and have proven their intent to follow through.”
Greg: “Like I said, they may be religious idiots, but they’re not stupid. Besides, they have time. Birth rates have practically plummeted everywhere else, so it’s only a matter of time before the other countries collapse all on their own. When that forces these countries to open their borders, they’ll just fuck their way to victory again.”
Karen: “I guess it’s better than war and killing. So there’s that.”
Mike: “Is there any European country that isn’t under Islamic rule?”
Greg: “There were. For a while, but not anymore.”
Mike: “What happened?”
Karen: “They met the same fate as Israel.”
Mike: “Shit! I forgot about them. What happened to Israel.”
Greg: “It once existed, and now it doesn’t anymore. Apart from the history books, and you don’t want to know what it says there.”
Karen: “That’s a nice way of putting it.”
Mike: “So, where do all the Jews live now?”
Greg: “They don’t.”
Mike: “They don’t what?”
Karen: “They’re gone. Muslims finished what Hitler couldn’t. They’re all gone or at least invisible. Former Israel is now part of the great Palestine.”
Mike: “How the hell did that happen?”
Karen: “They lost international support, and when their allies turned against them, they lost the war.”
Mike: “But they were a military superpower with nukes! How is any of this possible?”
Greg: “What good are nukes when you aren’t willing to use them?”
Mike: “Still. It’s a useful deterrent, isn’t it?”
Karen: “Only when your enemies believe you have the balls to launch them. Israel didn’t. Iran did. The rest is history.”
Mike: “They nuked Israel?”
Karen: “There was nothing left, and all it took was a day. It is estimated that over five million people died on the first day of the open war with Iran. Then they came in and murdered the rest.”
Mike: “Holy shit! They just erased a whole nation from the face of the Earth?”
Karen: “That was the first one, but it wasn’t the last.”
Mike: “How did the world take the news? Surely, there was outrage and consequences!? Right? Sanctions or retaliation - something?”
Greg: “Nop! Celebrations and congratulations.”
Mike: “You have got to be fucking kidding me?!”
Greg: “I wish I were.”
Karen: “The whole Muslim world rejoiced as their ancient enemy has been defeated. It was unbelievable to watch. Absolutely unbelievable. No remorse. No sorrow. No empathy for millions of lost souls.”
Mike: “And what happened to all the Jews living abroad?”
Karen: “They were rounded up and destroyed.”
Greg: “Murdered! Burned alive! Stoned to death! Hanged! Not destroyed, Karen! By their freaking neighbors, no less.”
Mike: “And the whole world just stood by and let it happen?”
Greg: “No, Mike! The whole world, most of it anyway, was doing the hunting and exterminating!”
Karen: “The Muslim population had already reached critical numbers all over the West. When supporting voices spoke, they were immediately silenced. Being friendly toward the Jews carries the same sentence as being friendly toward gays. The death penalty. Anyway. The energy of Iran’s victory shook the world, and Muslims all over the world united in a common cause.”
Mike: “I thought you said that not a bullet was fired when Islam took over the West?”
Karen: “It wasn’t, not in the takeover. By the time Israel was destroyed, we had already lost. Twelve percent of the population is what it took for Muslims to take over completely. We had a Muslim president, a Muslim Cabinet, and a Muslim military. There was no fight because there was no one left in power to fight.”
Mike: “What about the civilians? The people? They just stood by as this happened? I thought you guys were armed to the teeth?”
Karen: “Were is the right word, Mike. The government took our guns a few years earlier. What was left wasn’t a threat. They didn’t bother the rural places. Time took care of that problem.”
Mike: “What about the NATO alliance?”
Greg: “It was disbanded long ago.”
Mike: “And the Russians?”
Greg: “Didn’t give a shit! After the way they were isolated, who could blame them? Neither did the Chinese. They had their problems to worry about, as did Indians. We called them our enemies, remember?”
Mike: “Did Islam win there too?”
Greg: “In China, no. India is now under Islam, and so is the rest of the region. Ironically, the only ones strong enough to resist were communists, who even Muslims feared. For good reason. It’s not like they didn’t try.”
Mike: “Ironic indeed. What happened?”
Karen: “A purge. There was no war, you see. No one had the guts to start a war with the madmen after seeing what they’re capable of.”
Greg: “It’s always the innocent that suffer when their leaders plot and argue.”
Mike: “True. So, it’s a stalemate, if I understand you correctly?”
Karen: “Yes, and it works. There is peace now.”
Greg: “Sure, there is peace, but there is no freedom anywhere in the world left. You’re either a Muslim or a communist. Either way, you’re fucked!”
Mike: “Is there any light at the end of the tunnel?”
Greg: “Yeah, a quick and painless death!”
Karen: “Things are always changing, and there is already a lot of infighting. A new hybrid religion is being born of Islam. A breakaway sect is gaining strength and popularity. A more liberal branch, I suppose. With some luck, they’ll get the upper hand, and maybe someday, we’ll get to live how we used to. Normal, peaceful lives of freedom, love, and self-expression.”
Greg: “Oh, please! Yeah, they’re more liberal, but the only way the fundamentalists will relinquish power is through civil war. It’s going to get a hell of a lot worse before it gets better!”
Karen: “True. I was speaking for future generations, not ours. We’re doomed. I have made peace with that already. My life is essentially over.”
Mike: “You’ve made peace with death but not with submitting to Islam?”
Karen: “Over my dead body! It’s the last choice I still have, and no one can take this away from me! I will never convert, and I won’t be dragged down the street only to be raped, spit on, and slowly tortured to death. I’ve made sure of that.”
Mike: “Heavy. I get it. Wait, how did you make sure of that?”
Greg: “Let’s not go into details and just say that we all have a quick death option in us at all times. I will say no more.”
Mike: “I’m so sorry to hear that. I can’t even… Fuck! I hope we don’t go down your path. This parallel universe thing can be a nightmare sometimes. It’s all so freaking random, but there is always a chance we’re on the same path as you.”
Karen: “To all who are listening - make sure you don’t repeat our mistakes! Stop this wave while you still can.”
Mike: “How, Karen?”
Karen: “I honestly don’t know. Good luck, though.”
Greg: “You’re going to need it. We have to go now, Karen. Our ride is waiting outside the door.”
Mike: “Good luck, guys. I hope you make it somewhere safe.”
Karen: “Thank you, Mike.”
Mike: “I want to thank you two for taking the time and hitting us with this grim story. Well, it is grim for me, but I’m sure there are people salivating at the potential spreading of Islam into the West. Time will tell who prevails, I suppose. I still believe the Old and the New Continent are more resilient, proud, and braver than we think.
We’ll stop it from happening somehow. We had better. Our children's futures depend on it! There has to be a way for us to live side by side in peace without destroying each other. Whatever happened to live and let live? Anyway, I hope you find peace and safety in your Universe. Be well, friends.”
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