God Returned and Unleashed a Devastating Apocalypse
In a parallel universe, God is an alien overlord, and he has rendered his judgment - all life on Earth must perish! We talk with survivors of the apocalypse. (Interdimensional Talks -Episode 10)
Ladies and gentlemen, alien or domestic, Welcome to Interdimensional Talks with your host Mike!
The only fictional radio show in the world broadcasting across the universe and the multiverse. Listen in as we talk to the most diverse bunch of guests you can possibly imagine. We’re talking aliens, ethereal beings, artificial intelligence, and even humans from parallel universes.
Suspend your disbelief, open your mind, and join us on a journey of fascinating exploration of ideas. Grab a drink and enjoy the show.
“Wellcome back to Interdimensioanal Talks. I’m your host, Mike. Today, we are introduced to a parallel universe where things are bizarre and immensely frightening, to say the least. Our guests come from an Earth that has recently experienced the Biblical apocalypse.
You heard that right, dear listeners. In their universe, the rapture from the Bible, the New Testament, to be exact, had come to pass. Their God returned to Earth, and despite billions who prayed and eagerly awaited his return, things didn’t end well.
Please do not be frightened. I want to reiterate that just because it happened to them doesn’t mean it will happen to us. In this multiverse, all possible versions of everything exist simultaneously. Their story, terrifying as it may be, is just one of the infinite possibilities. You might also want to keep that in mind when they tell us their story regarding some details you might not like.
I suppose I should include a trigger warning for the sensitive, religious souls out there who are about to meet an unfavorable version of their Lord and Savior and the consequences of disappointing him. Due diligence out of the way, let’s start the show.”
Mike: “Wellcome friends. Would you like to introduce yourself to our audience and tell us why you’ve agreed to this interview?”
Christian: “Hello, and thank you for having us. My name is Christian Donohue. I’m a Catholic priest. I mean, I was a priest before—you know.”
Lucindacy: “Hi, I’m Lucinda Nunez. Unlike my friend here, I’m about as far from a believer as can be. I’m a nobody, or at least I was a nobody before we were invaded.”
Mike: “What are you now?”
Lucinda: “A survivor.”
Christian: “Oh, don’t be so modest, Lucy. It doesn’t suit you. She’s the leader of the resistance in our country.”
Mike: “I see. What are you resisting?”
Lucinda: “The gods themselves, it would appear.”
Mike: “Sounds like a tough job. How’s that going?”
Lucinda: “About as well as you would imagine.”
Christian: “I thought I was supposed to be the pious one, Lucy. She’s a fierce leader, Mike. I don’t know what’s with this false modesty all of a sudden. Without her, none of us would have survived the onslaught from the gods. She saved us from our saviors. How do you like that irony?”
Lucinda: “Saviours, ey? Still can’t face the truth of who your heroes really are, can you, Christian?”
Christian: “When someone has believed in God, loved him his whole life, and dedicated everything to his service, sacrificing so much… it takes time.”
Mike: “I think now would be the time to tell our listeners your story. What happened to your world? Who would like to start?”
Lucinda: “If you don’t mind, Christian, I’d like to explain why we came on this show and our situation.”
Christian: “Please, do.”
Lucinda: “Thank you. A few years ago, we were all living normal lives—working, taking care of our families, having fun—you know, the usual stuff. Then, we heard a rumor of an incoming object in space. At first, we thought it was a joke or perhaps a comet, but multiple sources began describing the sighting, claiming it was real—scientists from established observatories and not some internet warriors or conspiracy theorists. It became clear that something was coming our way. It was on a direct course for Earth.”
Mike: “Did the government warn you about this? Did they say anything?”
Lucinda: “They casually mentioned noticing reports. Nothing more.”
Mike: “Typical.”
Lucinda: “So, your governments are no more transparent than ours, then?”
Mike: “Yeah, let’s not look for similarities between our two universes today, Lucinda.”
Lucinda: “Lucy, please.”
Mike: “Lucy. I don’t want to scare our listeners with what is a very unlikely future.”
Christian: “But maybe they should be scared. Terrified even.”
Lucinda: “What my friend is trying to say is that we came to your show to warn the rest of the universe about what might be coming to your Earth as well. We hope that maybe knowing and being prepared ahead of time, could save some lives.”
Mike: “I understand you mean well, Lucinda. I‘m sorry - Lucy. But we must remember that, as far as we know, you‘re the only one who had to live through the apocalypse.”
Lucinda: “And you wouldn’t even know about us if we hadn’t decided to come and tell our story, now would you?”
Mike: “I suppose not.”
Lucinda: “May I continue, then?”
Mike: “Please do. What happened next?”
Lucinda: “For a few months, not much. We knew something was coming, but we could only speculate as to the nature of the threat.”
Mike: “Nobody knew? I mean, surely they must have seen it by then?”
Christian: “If they did, they kept it for themselves.”
Lucinda: “Exactly. We were left speculating and driving ourselves nuts. All the images we saw showed a bright light hurdling toward Earth.”
Mike: “When did you know what it was?”
Christian: “When all our prayers were answered, and the sky opened up in flames.”
Lucinda: “Something like that. Aside from a few blurry images and speculation on the web, we didn’t have any information to go on until they literally showed up above our atmosphere.”
Mike: “What did that look like?”
Lucinda: “Like the second fucking sun, Mike!”
Christian: “Language, Lucy.”
Lucinda: “Oh, give it a rest. No one cares, and you know it.”
Mike: “It was as big as the sun from where you stood?”
Lucinda: “Yes. And about as bright.”
Mike: “How is that possible?”
Christian: “Anything is possible for God, Mike.”
Mike: “I guess so, Christian. What was the size of that thing? What even was it?”
Lucinda: “A giant spaceship. Planet size.”
Mike: “Did you see any images up close?”
Lucinda: “Of the mothership? No.”
Mike: “Nobody tried to fly up and take images or video? I find that hard to believe.”
Lucinda: “Oh, they tried. They tried but were shot down. Air traffic was halted completely for the whole planet. There was panic like you hadn’t seen, Mike. I don’t know the details, but they concealed their true size and technology until it was too late.”
Christian: “But," he said, "you cannot see my face, for no one may see me and live. Exodus 33:20.”
Mike: “Jesus!”
Christian: “Let’s not mention him, please.”
Mike: “Why not?”
Lucinda: “He came back, too.”
Mike: “Jesus Christ? You can’t be serious?”
Christian: “At that time the sign of the Son of Man will appear in the sky, and all the nations of the earth will mourn. They will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of the sky, with power and great glory. Matthew 24:30.”
Lucinda: “I wish I weren’t. I truly do, Mike.”
Mike: “Alright, I’m hooked and flabbergasted. I’m going to shut up now and let you tell your story. Please. Don’t leave anything out.”
Christian: “I saw heaven standing open and there before me was a white horse, whose rider is called Faithful and True. With justice he judges and wages war. His eyes are like blazing fire, and on his head are many crowns. He has a name written on him that no one knows but he himself. He is dressed in a robe dipped in blood, and his name is the Word of God. The armies of heaven were following him, riding on white horses and dressed in fine linen, white and clean. Coming out of his mouth is a sharp sword with which to strike down the nations. 'He will rule them with an iron scepter.' He treads the winepress of the fury of the wrath of God Almighty. On his robe and on his thigh he has this name written: king of kings and lord of lords. Revelation 19:11-16.”
Mike: “I’m assuming these are quotes from the Bible?”
Lucinda: “Christian is a walking library, Mike. He remembers everything. He had spent his whole life studying the word of God. This was hard for him.”
Christian: “Look, I am coming soon! Blessed is the one who keeps the words of the prophecy written in this scroll. Revelation 22:7. Blessed we were not!”
Mike: “I’m sorry, Christian. Please, continue your story, Lucy.”
Lucinda: “Like I said, I don’t know if the government knew what was coming, but we didn’t. The day the heavens opened up, and they came down was the day we knew we were doomed. Thousands of smaller vessels descended from the mothership. All were visible as light at first and only recognizable after coming closer into view.”
Christian: “The chariots of God are tens of thousands and thousands of thousands; the Lord has come from Sinai into his sanctuary. Psalm 68:17.”
Mike: “Smaller spaceships?”
Lucinda: “Yes. They were everywhere, all over the planet. We were surrounded before anyone could figure out what was happening.”
Christian: “But the day of the Lord will come like a thief. The heavens will disappear with a roar; the elements will be destroyed by fire, and the earth and everything done in it will be laid bare. Peter 3:10.”
Mike: “Checkmate.”
Lucinda: “Indeed, and we hadn’t even moved a single pawn.”
Mike: “That’s insane. No army fought back? Nothing?”
Lucinda: “They scrambled the jets but were shot down immediately. Our defense was over before it even started.”
Mike: “What kind of weapons were they using?”
Lucinda: “I’m not an expert. Some sort of light energy weapons in the first stage. Precise and 100% deadly.”
Christian: “Your right hand, Lord, was majestic in power. Your right hand, Lord, shattered the enemy. In the greatness of your majesty you threw down those who opposed you. You unleashed your burning anger; it consumed them like stubble. Exodus 15:6-7”
Lucinda: “Anyway, when they neutralized the threat, they made contact. We could all hear it emanating from the spaceships, but we couldn’t understand a word they were saying.”
Christian: “It was in old Hebrew and Greek. Not many speak it today.”
Mike: “So, how did you communicate?”
Lucinda: “It wasn’t a problem. They hacked out computers and adapted. In a matter of hours, the broadcast went out in local languages everywhere. The language wasn’t the problem, Mike.”
Mike: “What was?”
Lucinda: “The message itself.”
Christian: “For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, so that each of us may receive what is due us for the things done while in the body, whether good or bad. 2 Corinthians 5:10.”
Mike: “Let me guess - the message was your judgment?”
Lucinda: “It was, and it wasn’t good.”
Mike: “What did it say?”
Lucinda: “That we have disappointed the Lord of Lords and will now face our punishment.”
Mike: “Wait, what? No, individual trials or anything? No negotiations? No conditions of surrender? Nothing - just die?”
Christian: “Not everyone who says to me, 'Lord, Lord,' will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. Many will say to me on that day, 'Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name and in your name drive out demons and in your name perform many miracles?' Then I will tell them plainly, 'I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers! Matthew 7:21-23.”
Lucinda: “There were some communication attempts, but they fell on deaf ears. If there was a God above, he wasn’t listening.”
Mike: “Did you know who was in those spacecraft? Did they show their faces?”
Lucinda: “No. Not in the first stage. The message continued for a day, and then all hell broke loose.”
Mike: “How do you know it was God and Jesus, then?”
Lucinda: “First, they purged the Earth of humans from afar, and then they came down to cement their rule. They live here now.”
Mike: “So, what did that look like?”
Lucinda: “Like a nuclear apocalypse.”
Mike: “I can’t believe we wouldn’t fight back. I just can’t.”
Lucinda: “We did. After it became clear that communicating and negotiating with the invading force was impossible, we fought back. We unleashed everything in a coordinated attack that lasted a few days until there was nothing left to fire with. The devastation was indescribable, Mike.”
Mike: “I would love to hear you try, though. To describe it to us. If that’s not too much to ask?”
Christian: “Then the Lord rained down burning sulfur on Sodom and Gomorrah—from the Lord out of the heavens. Thus he overthrew those cities and the entire plain, destroying all those living in the cities—and also the vegetation in the land. Genesis 19:24-25”
Lucinda: “Fire rained down from the sky as if the atmosphere had ignited. Everything was burning all at once. We detected nuclear explosions, unlike anything we could produce ourselves on the surface and below. They caused earthquakes and reformed the continents along the fault lines. Dormant volcanoes erupted all at once, it seemed, and covered the sky in darkness. The heat was so intense that whole lakes and rivers evaporated into the clouds. Sea level dropped as well.”
Mike: “Oh my God! How could anyone survive such an event? Where were you when it happened?”
Christian: “Who do you pray to when God is the one destroying everything and everyone you love?”
Lucinda: “I was on a cruise ship out at sea, and Christian was in some hidden monastery in the European Alps. The only survivors and there aren’t many of us, were immensely lucky to be either out at sea, high in the mountains in places with low population density, or deep underground. These events weren’t random. They targeted large population centers first to cause the most devastation possible in the shortest time. God’s wrath was absolute, and his destruction was truly of Biblical proportions.”
Christian: “Were we? Lucky, I mean?”
Lucinda: “I’m not sure, old friend.”
Mike: “How can you survive in such an environment? I can’t make any sense of it. How can anything survive?”
Lucinda: “Most living things didn’t. The destruction I described was only the second wave of attacks, from the initial overpowering of our air defenses.”
Mike: “What? There’s more?”
Lucinda: “A lot more, unfortunately. Apparently, God had plans for our planet that didn’t include any living beings currently possessing it, but he still needed a place suitable for carbon-based life forms.”
Mike: “How do you figure?”
Lucinda: “Remember all that water that evaporated from lakes and rivers? It came back with a bang!”
Mike: “Don’t tell me - a flood?”
Christian: “I am going to bring floodwaters on the earth to destroy all life under the heavens, every creature that has the breath of life in it. Everything on earth will perish. Genesis 6:17.”
Mike: “I can’t believe any of this anymore. I mean, I’ve heard the stories of the Old Testament God destroying all life on the planet in a giant flood and the whole Sodoma and Gomorrah thing, but that was supposed to be a myth. A scary story. It all just sounds impossible.”
Lucinda: “I wish it were. Anyway, it rained nonstop for a good few months. The fires were put out, radiation was washed away, and the temperature cooled down again—as if someone had planned it from the start. First, destroy and then clean up.”
Mike: “Diabolical!”
Lucinda: “And efficient. I know it’s hard to believe, but the planet is beginning to recover just a year after everything was destroyed.”
Mike: “That isn’t possible, Lucy. These things take much more time. The radiation alone would prevent life from …”
Christian: “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters. Genesis 1:1-2. You forget, Mike - we’re not talking about mortals here, but God himself. The creator of all there is.”
Lucinda: “And the destroyer.”
Christian: “Indeed.”
Mike: “But how…?”
Lucinda: “Some advanced technology. There are towers everywhere, and no one knows what their function is. Our planet is riddled with foreign technology. We don’t know what it’s doing, but it’s working. We suspect they are terraforming.”
Mike: “It would make sense if it weren’t so crazy to begin with. Clean the board and restart life. Something an invading alien race would do if they wanted to settle our planet.”
Lucinda: “Exactly. They seem to be settling down here.”
Mike: “I’m sorry, but I have to ask, Lucy. How can you be sure it’s God, Jesus, and Angels, not some alien race from another solar system? That message you heard could be a joke, a deception to help defeat humanity by instilling the fear of God in you.”
Lucinda: “Why can’t they be one and the same, Mike?”
Mike: “What do you mean?”
Lucinda: “Isn’t it possible that God and his race were aliens the whole time? Wouldn’t that explain so much?”
Mike: “Christian, you wouldn’t happen to have any quotes from the Bible that would corroborate this weird idea, would you by any chance?”
Christian: “As I looked, behold, a stormy wind came out of the north, and a great cloud, with brightness around it, and fire flashing forth continually, and in the midst of the fire, as it were gleaming metal. And from the midst of it came the likeness of four living creatures. And this was their appearance: they had a human likeness, but each had four faces, and each of them had four wings. Ezekiel 1:4-6.”
Mike: “I don’t know, man. I’m not convinced.”
Christian: “On the morning of the third day there was thunder and lightning, with a thick cloud over the mountain, and a very loud trumpet blast. Everyone in the camp trembled. Then Moses led the people out of the camp to meet with God, and they stood at the foot of the mountain. Mount Sinai was covered with smoke, because the Lord descended on it in fire. The smoke billowed up from it like smoke from a furnace, and the whole mountain trembled violently. Exodus 19:16-18.”
Mike: “God descended using fire, causing smoke and dust, hey? Hm. Like a rocket landing? Maybe there is something to it.”
Lucinda: “Religions from all over the planet describe godlike beings as essentially aliens. Replace heaven with space, and you’re halfway there. That’s nothing new, but it was controversial. Until they came down from the sky and rained fire upon our heads. Besides, we’ve seen them up close.”
Mike: “Wait, what? You have? Why didn’t you lead with that?”
Lucinda: “What difference would it have made? They look like us, only slightly more alien, taller, with certain peculiar features, and they dress in weird outfits.”
Mike: “I see your point. They look alien but also human. Anunnaki, perhaps?”
Lucinda: “They do. I think it might be the same race somehow, just different myths and names.”
Mike: “How do you survive on the surface, with them around?”
Lucinda: “They live in tight centers and have built cities where most live. Apart from the returning wildlife, 99% of the planet is empty.”
Mike: “Interesting. Wait, wildlife? Animals survived the apocalypse?”
Lucinda: “No, no. Land animals didn’t. Only underwater animals and some cunning birds made it through God’s raging phase.”
Mike: “Where are all the animals coming from, then?”
Christian: “And God said, 'Let the water teem with living creatures, and let birds fly above the earth across the vault of the sky.' So God created the great creatures of the sea and every living thing with which the water teems and that moves about in it, according to their kinds, and every winged bird according to its kind. And God saw that it was good. Genesis 1:20-21.”
Mike: “Damn, Christian, you really do know the whole book at heart.”
Christian: “A life wasted.”
Mike: “I hear you, brother. I hear you. So, they’re creating animals? How?”
Lucinda: “We don’t know. Cloning or genetic engineering, most likely. We believe they seeded this planet with life before, or at the very least collected the samples, so they can now create them again.”
Mike: “They would have to have taken those samples a long time ago, right?”
Christian: “Bring out every kind of living creature that is with you—the birds, the animals, and all the creatures that move along the ground—so they can multiply on the earth and be fruitful and increase in number on it. Genesis 8:17.”
Mike: “Isn’t that like from the story of Noe and the Ark?”
Lucinda: “Exactly. If they really did wipe the planet clean with a flood once before, they had collected the gene samples of all animals beforehand. Who knows, maybe they’ve been seeding life throughout the universe all this time. In any case, they have all they need to make new animals and repopulate the planet.”
Mike: “Wow. Now, that would be a fascinating turn of events. Have you had any contact at all with the gods, angels, or aliens? How the hell do you call them, anyway?”
Lucinda: “Are you insane? We’re lucky they believe us all dead. When we poke our heads above ground, we move with the animals to stay undetected. Invisibility is the only thing keeping us alive.”
Mike: “I thought you were a resistance, Lucy? How are you resisting if you’re not fighting?”
Lucinda: “The greatest resistance we can offer right now is survival. We resist dying and going extinct as a species.”
Mike: “But you can’t hide forever. Sooner or later, they will find you. You know that, right?”
Lucinda: “I do. That’s why we’re making plans to go on the offensive. As soon as they finish rebuilding the planet and reseeding life.”
Mike: “What hope is there? How can you possibly defeat them?”
Lucinda: “We’re not the only ones who hate God and his armies. We’re not the only ones hiding from him.”
Mike: “You’ve found allies?”
Lucinda: “Sort of. They found us.”
Mike: “Who are they?”
Lucinda: “Let’s put it this way. They have been living with us all along, but we never knew it. They are technologically advanced, strong, and intelligent. The only ones who could match the might of God and his armies of angels.”
Mike: “You’re kidding me, right? Are you talking about who I think you’re talking about?”
Christian: “Then war broke out in heaven. Michael and his angels fought against the dragon, and the dragon and his angels fought back. But he was not strong enough, and they lost their place in heaven. The great dragon was hurled down—that ancient serpent called the devil, or Satan, who leads the whole world astray. He was hurled to the earth, and his angels with him. Revelation 12:7-9.”
Mike: “Satan? Really? The Devil and his demons?”
Lucinda: “Lucifer and his fallen angels, to be precise. Just as immortal and just as alien.”
Mike: “You can’t possibly trust them, Lucy! I can’t believe I have to say this.”
Lucinda: “The enemy of my enemy is my friend.”
Mike: “It’s the freaking devil! The meaning of the word evil!”
Lucinda: “If God, who again decided to murder every living being on this planet, men, women, children, and animals, is the god guy, then the bad guy might be a better choice, Michael. Besides, we don’t really have a choice.”
Mike: “There is always a choice, and it’s not going to the dark side, Lucy. Please be careful.”
Lucinda: “We’ve lived with them for thousands of years and never even knew it. They left us alone and could have easily taken over had they so chosen once God’s armies left our planet all those millennia ago. But they didn’t. They lived below, and we lived above. In peace. We intend to maintain that arrangement in the future.”
Mike: “Striking a deal with the Devil. I don’t know. I just don’t know. Where did they live? You know, before God returned?”
Lucinda: “I can’t tell you that, except that it’s beneath the surface. For their protection. I’m sure you can understand. After all, you never know. You might need them someday if your God returns with a vengeance as well!”
Mike: “I see your point. Reluctantly. Let me see if I got this right. The freaking lizard people are real, and they’re demons, who are aliens, as are angels and God himself? They live underground, as all those crazy conspiracy theories have been speculating. And now, you’re telling me they’re the good guys who can save us from God himself? Which, incidentally, came back to Earth in his shiny spaceship, decided we were unworthy, and destroyed all of humanity yet again? This truly is an upside-down day, Lucy.”
Lucinda: “That about covers it, yes.”
Mike: “I can accept most of it, except that you broke bread with the Devil himself, lizard, alien, dragon, angel, or whatever the hell he is! How can you be sure that’s the right thing to do, Lucy? I mean, he’s the devil, for Christ’s sake!”
Christian: “How you have fallen from heaven, morning star, son of the dawn! You have been cast down to the earth, you who once laid low the nations! You said in your heart, 'I will ascend to the heavens; I will raise my throne above the stars of God; I will sit enthroned on the mount of assembly, on the utmost heights of Mount Zaphon. I will ascend above the tops of the clouds; I will make myself like the Most High.' But you are brought down to the realm of the dead, to the depths of the pit. Isaiah 14:12-15.”
Mike: “What’s your point, Christian?”
Christian: “Lucifer, the morning star, the bringer of light, was God’s favorite once. He’s not some mindless foul beast. Even in the Bible, it is written that he is Jesus’s brother, equal in every way, except that he went against his father’s wishes and lost the rebellion. He also wanted people to know the truth about God, but we all know how the whole eating from the Tree of Knowledge episode ended.”
Mike: “Vaguelly.”
Christian: “By expulsion from the Garden of Eden for wanting more knowledge and breaking God’s commandment. Do you not think I would have a problem with associating with the devil if I didn’t see the truth with my own eyes.”
Mike: “I see now why Lucinda brought you to this show. You are the knowledgeable witness, the proof and credibility.”
Lucinda: “The point, Mike, is that we were told Lucifer was the bad guy by followers of God. The same God who murdered billions of humans not once but twice. And how many has the Devil killed? Zero, Michael. The number is zero. So, I ask you - who’s the good guy, and who’s the bad guy?”
Mike: “I’m sure that if I went through what you went through, I would be more comfortable with the idea of making deals with the devil.”
Lucinda: “If you went through what I went through, you would almost certainly be dead by now. The only reason I’m alive today is because Lucifer’s people found me and brought me to their home underground. I owe them my life.”
Christian: “As do I, reluctantly.”
Mike: “I’m sorry I attacked you like this. It just sounds wrong, is all my saying.”
Lucinda: “Does worshiping a genocidal God sound right, then?”
Mike: “Of course not. But people don’t know.”
Lucinda: “They don’t know because they don’t want to know. It’s all right there in black and white and always has been if you only bother to look at the bad as well as the good. Billions of people worship a genocidal alien God who has even promised to return one day and kill most of them. Tell me - how is that not insane?”
Mike: “I don’t think most people interpret these things like you do. They believe what they were taught about God.”
Lucinda: “You’re right. They believe the lie, and I have seen the truth. They worship the idea, and I despise the man behind the idea—the alien overlord who murdered everyone I ever loved. I have seen his face and know his magic is nothing but advanced technology. He’s just another ruthless immortal humanoid alien. That is the truth. That is what I have come to tell you. To warn you. I have done my duty as I see it, even if my warning has fallen on deaf ears.”
Mike: “I assure you, it has not. But what can we do? How can we hope to fight this alien God when he is clearly much more powerful than us?”
Lucinda: “You cannot hope to defeat him alone. That is true. But you are not alone. Stop pretending other species don’t live on this planet - I’m talking to your governments now - and form alliances while you still can. A storm is coming, and it will be the end of everything you know and love unless you change your path. Alone, we are helpless. Together, we are mighty! Reach out, and take a chance. It’s the only one you’ve got.”
Mike: “A stern warning and sound advice, Lucy. Thank you. Would you like to add something, Christian?”
Christian: “Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved—you and your household. Acts 16:31.”
Mike: “Really?”
Christian: “No! That’s all a lie. Judgment has already been decreed and there was no trial. Execution of the punishment is imminent. Prepare yourself and make peace with impending death. No one is coming to save you!”
Mike: “Okay, I’m sorry I asked. No afterlife fairytales to comfort the lost and the frightened? No words of comfort for the frightened?”
Christian: “I have lost all faith in God and Heaven, Michael, but not in hell. I have seen hell. I live there. It is real, and it is coming. Luckily, death is not the beginning of suffering in this hell, as we believed, but the end.”
Mike: “Well, at least there’s that. Lucy, can you or your friends give us any advice on how to fight God when he comes?”
Lucinda: “Yes. Fight him before he comes when he is still at least slightly vulnerable. Once he arrives in your orbit, it’s game over. This fight can only be won in space, never on Earth. We are too fragile here. Be the first to strike. Focus all your efforts on establishing early warning systems and interstellar weapons. Set a trap, and pray you stop him before he comes close enough to destroy Earth.”
Mike: “You said pray. Funny.”
Lucinda: “A force of habit.”
Mike: “I don’t suppose your new friends could help with technology, by any chance? Help us build those weapons, for example?”
Lucinda: “Why don’t you ask them yourselves? In your universe, that is. Good luck, Michael, and to everyone listening. I hope our fate is not your fate, and I hope you pray to better gods than we did. Wish us luck as we prepare a counteroffensive against God himself. Goodbye.”
Christian: “Farewell.”
Mike: “Good luck to you all, and … yeah, I’ve got nothing. You’re fighting unimaginable forces in a world where good is evil and evil is good. Up is down, and down is up. I’m rooting for you, we all are, and I hope to God … dammit… that we don’t end up facing the same enemy you are. Who knows, maybe in our universe, the Godlike alien overlord decided to keep us around for some reason. There is always hope, but not if we fire first. We’re screwed, aren’t we?”
“On this melancholic goodbye, we must end our show. If our underground friends are listening, perhaps it’s time you introduce yourselves. It would appear we might have a common enemy on his way to Earth. If I’m being frank, I’m hoping that Lucy was pulling a prank on us and that the whole Christian God remains a fairytale for adults to scare their children into submission. Fingers crossed, he’s not real and alien and is not on his way here as we speak. I would wish you all goodnight, but I don’t think any of us will be sleeping. Until next time, this was Interdimensional Talks, and I was your host, Mike. Good luck to us all!”
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What is living in a simulation like? How did people react to this realization? Are you certain we are real boys and girls living in the real world? (Interdimensional Talks -Episode 9)
How to Solve Crime, Prevent Murder, and Stop Terrorism?
We talk to the US president from another universe who cleaned up his country the hard way. We talk about the how, the effect, and the price they pay. (Interdimensional Talks -Episode 8)
A Dire Warning About the Dangers of Playing God (CERN - Large Hadron Collider)
CERN’s particle accelerator went crazy, opening the gates to another dimension, resulting in a fight for our planet and our very survival. (Interdimensional Talks -Episode 7)
Cassius — Ascending Into Digital Form: What Is it Like To Have no Body?
(Interdimensional Talks -Episode 6)
In a parallel universe, humanity transcended their bodies to live in a digital world. Would you upload your consciousness to the cloud in exchange for immortality?
Enekian, Our Lost Atlantian Brother Reaches Out
(Interdimensional Talks — Episode 5)
What happened to Atlantis? Where did they disappear and why? We talk to a descendant of the ancient Atlantians and get our minds blown!
Etherious Maximus — A Life Eternal
(Interdimensional Talks — Episode 4)
What is it like to immortal? To never die? To live for hundreds, even thousands of years?
An Alien Predator On a Journey of Radical Transparency
(Interdimensional Talks — Episode 3)
We talk to Xsidious, The Great Hunter, about his personal journey of philosophy and the way of his people.
What If You Forgot Everything In a Collective Amnesia Every 364 Days?
Can you imagine a life without memories? A new year - a new you! How would it feel to be free from your past? (Interdimensional Talks - Episode 2)
Self-Aware General Artificial Intelligence
(Interdimensional Talks — Episode 1)
What would you ask a conscious general artificial intelligence? Below is our conversation.
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